Day 11: One Third Complete! (31 days of no sugar)

Hello again!

It’s Day 11, which means we have completed the first third of our no sugar adventure.

I’d love to hear what’s going on with you- what have your challenges been, what successes have you celebrated, what are you noticing? If you’re reading this in an email, you can reply. If you’re reading on the website or Facebook, leave a comment below!)

My biggest challenge so far is my relationship with coffee. It’s my morning ritual, a happy way to start my day. Drinking it without sugar still gets me the little caffeine kick (I do drink decaf, because otherwise I’d be bouncing all over the place), but it’s just not as pleasurable to me. The other day, I started my day with herbal tea, and I think that because it was so different from having a cup of coffee, it was perhaps more satisfying! So, that’s a good observation for me to notice. I don’t know that I’m ready to do that everyday. It’s so interesting how we get attached to certain things.

My biggest celebration is that over the past few days I’m consistently feeling less joint pain in my fingers and feet- which has been a long-term chronic issue for me. We know that sugar contributes to excess inflammation in the body. I’m happy that this way of eating is helping with that.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Love, Cheryl


Day 15. Dialing it In (31 days without sugar)


Day 10: All the Feelz (31 days without sugar)