Day 18. Ch-Ch-Ch- Chia!

chia pudding.jpeg

I love desserts. And after 2 weeks of not having any, I decided the other day to make chia pudding. I’ve made it before, and thought it was OK, but since my “sweet tooth” has mostly been reset, this tasted AMAZING. I ate it all up, and forgot to take a picture, so what you see above is a stock photo.

Chia seeds are truly amazing. They are pretty high in protein, and they absorb lots of water, so they expand and make you feel full. Sometimes I just sprinkle them on my oatmeal for breakfast, but when you mix them with a non-dairy milk and a little cacao powder, you get a chocolate mousse/pudding that is so rich and good. I think adding some raspberries on top would make it extra decadent. And it’s super easy to make. This recipe is keto approved, by the way.

Combine the following in a jar with a lid. (I used a mason jar) Serves 4.

  • 1 can full fat (unsweetened) coconut milk

  • 1/2 cup chia seeds

  • 2 TBS raw cacao powder

  • 2 capfuls of pure vanilla extract

Shake a LOT to mix everything up, and refrigerate for at least an hour, or overnight works too.

The coconut milk makes it extra thick like a mousse, but I’m going to try a batch with almond milk and cinnamon to make more of a tapioca pudding dessert. YUM!



Day 19: Aww, nuts. (31 days without sugar)


Day 15. Dialing it In (31 days without sugar)