I can do hard things

This feels like it should be my new mantra. I’ve had to step outside of my comfort zone recently, with a death in the family (my father-in-law), taking off my mask in public now that I’m fully vaccinated, enrolling in a business course for yoga teachers, and making some changes to my website. All of these things have been a little uncomfortable, a little (or more than a little) challenging, and overall have been like riding the waves of emotion. They have been hard.

Luckily, yoga prepares us for what’s hard in life. As a student or teacher of yoga, it’s likely that you have had to step outside your comfort zone on many occasions on your mat. You’ve tried the harder variation, or held the pose longer, or challenged yourself to do something that seemed scary, etc. and you came through! The stretching and strengthening that you do on your mat really does translate into other aspects of your life. Maybe you feel stronger overall, more flexible in your mind as well as your body, and you’ve recognized that you really can do hard things.

I’m excited to announce the new section of my website, On Demand Video. I’ve already uploaded the full 21 Day Yoga Inversion Challenge that I led in March, and you can watch the first video for free, to see if it’s a good fit for you. Then, you can either rent each video for $2 (you get access to each video for 21 days, so you can work through the series at any pace you choose), or purchase all 21 videos for $21 and have access to the whole course forever. Getting this set up was hard, but I think you’ll really enjoy it.

If you’re already on the Unlimited Monthly Membership, you’ll get access to the on-demand videos for free, as part of your membership. I’ll be uploading some of the regular weekly classes soon, so the video library will grow and grow. (Upcoming workshops will be available too, at a separate fee.) Look for an invitation in your email soon.

My next hard thing will be adding in-person classes again. Moving out of the comfort zone of my home studio is proving to be a big challenge! But stay tuned for opportunities to practice together in person. We can do hard things together.

Thanks for being here. I do look forward to seeing you face to face, but I will continue teaching on Zoom too, so no worries if you’re not ready to step out of your home studio either.

With love,


Oh yeah, I have a blog…


Day 31!!!! (31 days without sugar)