Oh yeah, I have a blog…

Isn’t that crazy? Do you ever get so caught up in life that you totally forget about an aspect of it?

I was sitting at my computer this morning trying to revise my daily/weekly/monthly schedule, and the thought occurred to me that I oucld be writing a blog. I enjoy writing, it helps me organize my thoughts, and it’s another way I can share the teachings of yoga. I opened up my website editor to see if it had a blog capability. Lo and behold, it does, and I had already been using it! But my last blog post was 2 years ago. Jeez! How did I totally let this slip out of my awareness?

I’d love to say that I’m re-inspired to write a consistent, weekly blog post. But that kind of consistency isn’t necessarily my strong point. And that’s OK! We can’t all embody the Goddess Laskhmi all the time. Lakshmi is the “Goddess in the Middle,” the one who is responsible for the sustaining energy of maintenance. I’m more of the Saraswati type, the Goddess of new beginnings and creativity. I’m good at coming up with new ideas, I love starting projects and getting things organized, but the follow-through doesn’t always happen. (To complete the triumvirate, Kali is the Goddess of destruction, of endings, of completion. The 3 Goddesses are really inseparable- we all have aspects of all of them, but often you resonate more with one than the other two.)

So, for now, I’d just like to welcome myself back to blogging. I’ll set a reminder in my calendar to write weekly (but I’m known to swipe those reminders into oblivion!) and do my best to follow through. It’s like yoga practice- at the beginning of class, I’ll often say, “welcome yourself to your practice.” This act of welcoming is, well, it’s welcoming! It holds no judgement or criticism. It doesn’t ask “why didn’t you practice yesterday?” or anything like that. It’s gracious, accepting, and loving. Just like you would welcome a friend into your home after you hadn’t seen them for a while. The door is open, come on in! Our practices will often wax and wane, and that’s OK too.

So, stay tuned for more musings from me.





I can do hard things